To access PDQ through MEDLARS, the doctor must have a MEDLARS access code and a PDQ password. A doctor may request an access code by contacting the MEDLARS Management Service Desk at 1-800-638-8480.
Online access to PDQ on the NLM system costs $18/hr. These charges are prorated. In other words, if the user is connected to PDQ for only five minutes, he or she will be charged one-twelfth the cost of a connect hour. There is no initial fee or subscription charge, and a typical search requires only a few minutes of time. An online service operated by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) in cooperation with NCI makes PDQ treatment information available to European doctors. NCI also makes PDQ widely available to Latin American and Caribbean countries on the academic network BITNET.
Fax Access through the NCI The NCI disseminates PDQ data in English and Spanish through its CancerFax service, which enables those without computers to obtain access to cancer treatment information with a fax machine. Users dial the CancerFax number (301-402-5874) from the telephone handset on their fax machine, request a contents list, enter a code number from the list for the desired information and follow the voice prompts to receive a faxed image of any of PDQ's state-of-the-art patient information or supportive care statements, bibliographic data or News articles.
The service is available 24 hours a day and there is no cost to the user other than that of the telephone call. CancerFax also provides information on NCI's scientific journals, patient education materials and commercial vendors that distribute PDQ.